

Since about ten years her hair loss is important ALAIN ROBERT found the solution with CHALLENG’HAIR the specialist of the hair transplant. During his last visit to Mauritius the day after his climbing of a Tour of Port Louis he performed a hair transplant, FUE DENSITY® without pain, without scar at the Center of Surgery […]

FUE Density® Hair Transplant (without scar & pain) + Airplane + Stay for the price of a simple intervention in Europe. And yes, a week of holidays in the sun and back … up to 6000 hair that grow back for life! You have decided to perform an FUE Density® Hair Transplant procedure “Scarless and […]

On 12 June 2012, a unique and exceptional intervention was carried out at the Indian Ocean Cosmetic Surgery Center … Which made it possible to obtain an optimal implantation. During this 8-hour session, a lot of mastery, precision and dexterity allowed 6253 hair to be transplanted into bald and sparse areas, all without any pain. […]

The Center of Surgery of the Indian Ocean in Trou Aux Biches specializing in hair transplant has carried out more than 5000 interventions and implanted more than 18 million hairs for 16 years. Hair beauty aesthetic surgeons are part of the World Association of Hair Transplant (ISHRS) and are pleased to share their expertise at […]

Center for Surgery of the Indian Ocean – Trou aux Biches There are different ways to change your life. To feel yourself again or to come closer to his ideal. And when this stake rests on the appearance of the body, it is essential to be taken care of by professionals emeritus of the beauty […]

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